Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions Answered About Wiktionary

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Illustration
  • helpWhat is Wiktionary?

    Wiktionary is a collaborative online dictionary that offers definitions, translations, etymologies, and other language-related information. It serves as a comprehensive resource for learners, educators, and language enthusiasts seeking reliable and up-to-date linguistic data.

  • languageHow accurate is the information on Wiktionary?

    We strive for the highest level of accuracy by utilizing expert linguists and encouraging community contributions. All entries are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they meet our standards for reliability and thoroughness. However, as a collaborative platform, we welcome user feedback to continuously improve our content.

  • account_circleCan I contribute to Wiktionary?

    Absolutely! Wiktionary is built on the foundation of community contributions. Whether you want to add new words, enhance existing definitions, provide translations, or improve etymological information, your contributions are invaluable in expanding and refining our linguistic database.

  • securityHow does Wiktionary handle vandalism and incorrect information?

    Maintaining the integrity of our content is paramount. We employ a combination of automated tools and dedicated moderators to monitor edits and swiftly address any instances of vandalism or incorrect information. Additionally, our version history allows contributors to revert changes and ensure the accuracy of entries.

  • buildWhat languages does Wiktionary support?

    Wiktionary supports a vast array of languages, ranging from widely spoken ones like English, Spanish, and Mandarin to less common languages. Our goal is to be as inclusive as possible, providing resources for both major and niche languages to serve a diverse global community.

  • notificationsHow can I stay updated with Wiktionary's latest developments?

    You can stay informed by subscribing to our newsletter, following our blog, and engaging with us on social media platforms. These channels will provide you with updates on new features, content additions, and other important announcements related to Wiktionary.